Pimp my Peon was the first contact I had with programming at the age of 15-16 and very influential to the later developed interests. Alternatively you might consider it as an early indication of an innate fascination for the art of “creation” using technology.

It is documented here for historical reasons.

It was a mod for Warcraft 3, like the famous Dota 1, which had begun as an open source project and was then “forked” by young me. The programming involved was through “Warcraft 3 World Editor”, an editor for creating custom warcraft maps.

The game had impressive influence on the genre witnessed in games by other developers.

Initial Version

The initial fork end up being very popular with more than 100,000 downloads despite having several flaws that can be seen in the enjoyable video below by youtuber “wtiiwarcraft”.

To this day this map is in top warcraft 3 maps in EpicWar database.

Second Version

The subsequent version was much more mature (but still imperfect) than the first one.